Place an order with our teacake cookies bakery to try our delicious teacake flavors for yourself.
Place an order with our teacake cookies bakery to try our delicious teacake flavors for yourself.
Place an order with our teacake cookies bakery to try our delicious teacake flavors for yourself.
Experience this classic sweet treat
Never had teacake cookies? There's no time like the present! Try Teacake Queen today. We create delicious and delectable teacake cookies that are guaranteed to put a smile on your face. We also bake more! Ask about our delicious homemade cakes.
The best part about Teacake Queen is that we:
Ship our teacake cookies nationwide
Offer a variety of flavors to choose from
Have over 30 years of baking experience
Make all our teacake cookies to order with fresh ingredients

Better Than Your Momma's Homemade Teacake Cookies
We offer nationwide shipping of our teacake cookies
All Hail The Queen of Teacake Cookies
The best teacake cookies from our local bakery in Shreveport, LA
Teacake cookies are a southern classic treat that takes you right back to grandma's kitchen. Teacake Queen teacake cookies are so soft and soul-soothing. Betcha do the "happy dance!."
With 12 flavors (and counting) including: Teacake Queen's: old fashioned, strawberry, lemon, sour cream pound cake, 7up pound cake, butter pecan, cream cheese pound cake, you will surely find something that will keep you coming back for more and will make you tell your friends and family about Teacake Queen teacake cookies.
Teacake Queen is a Shreveport, LA HOME BASED business. All orders are picked up, delivered and shipping is also available nationwide.